Lost and Found– FFfAW

This week's photo prompt is provided by Dawn Miller for our photo prompt this week!

Photo prompt is provided by Dawn Miller for our photo prompt this week!

Title: Lost and Found

Source: Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Week of February 21, 2017

Word count: 115 words

The roller bag bumped into her leg as she pulled it to a stop next to the railing. She stared at the crowd below, as they hurried to their destination. A tear slid down her cheek.

She had looked for another option, a way out. This was the decision, but it wasn’t much of a choice. No going back, only forward. But forward to where? She looked up hoping for inspiration.

Suddenly, she knew. The answer couldn’t be planned, she needed to improvise. Do something that was out of character, something she would never do, something no one would expect.

Wiping the tears away, she grabbed the bag and headed outside to the taxi stand.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

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