Dinner – FFfAW

Photo prompt is provided by MajesticGoldenRose

Photo prompt is provided by MajesticGoldenRose

Title: Dinner

Source: Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Week of February 28, 2017

Word count: 170 words

The children needed to learn there was more than video games and concrete. So, he moved them to the farm and his own childhood. Three faces, alternating between angelic and devilish, kept him on his toes. He had prepared them for today.

“Remember what I told you. The cow is not a pet. We are not naming the cow. He is someone’s dinner. While the cow is here we will feed him, and give him a good life.”

The children had been excited, petting and feeding the cow and asking question after question. He answered while gently reminding them not to name the cow. At last they headed into the house for dinner, homework and bed.

The next afternoon three excited children leapt off the school bus yelling as they ran up the lane.

“Whoa, slow down, one at a time.”

“Daddy can we go feed Dinner now.”


“Yes, Dinner the cow.”


“You said the cow was Dinner.”

He shook his head and laughed.

“Let’s go feed Dinner.”


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

17 thoughts on “Dinner – FFfAW

  1. A great ending, Jo, although I can’t make myself think of that sweet little calf as’ dinner’ (and I’m far from being a vegetarian!). But, as Dominic (above) said, kids would do that! 😀


  2. Jo your story brought back memories of when we raised chickens , and my mother did exactly that – don’t name the chickens, and my father and i did! the chickens lived a long healthy life off my mother’s vegetables and feed! lovely, lovely story, felt the energy from the dialogue!


  3. Fascinating, I enjoyed the story and reading the follow up comments. In my extended family the pet rabbits became dinner when times got really hard.


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