The Power of Music — FFfAW

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Sunayana MoiPensieve. Thank you for our photo prompt!

Title: The Power of Music
Source: Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers – Week of March 21, 2017
Word count: 150 words

Oliver’s first love was music. His hands played beauty, carried emotions, connected him with others who recognized his joy. He was alive when he played.

Convinced this love was fleeting, seeing only harm in his devotion, his parents encouraged him to find love elsewhere. To look towards a love to sustain him for his entire life. A love allowing him to provide for a wife, a family, enabling him to have the finer things in life and retire in comfort.

To please his parents, he sacrificed, denied his love, took her as his mistress. Clandestine meetings, stolen moments, whispered promises of someday, made when no one could hear. Publicly, he followed the money, intent on keeping his promises.

The money came at a price. A blackmail he no longer wished to pay. He confessed his love, embraced his true love, the one that would sustain him for his entire life.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

18 thoughts on “The Power of Music — FFfAW

  1. Excellent writing! Actually, writers are like that too… we push writing aside to make money to support ourselves in other jobs, but the love of writing keeps calling us back. Good analogy of our love/passion for something becoming a “mistress” until we FINALLY feel that we need to put our love/passions FIRST! This is life! GREAT POST!


      • My friend, Dave, did too. He said you had commented on a post where he wrote about handwriting. He was at ND when I was at SMC, but I met him and his wife years later at an alumnae meeting. He wrote an interesting post this week about Dave and Goliath. Looks like we are all following each other. That’s nice!


  2. Love the analogy you used – the one of a wife/mistress, and following the expectations of others while still secretly nursing your own passion. I’m glad he chose to follow his own path though, in the end!


  3. This is so profound and so real too. Many are caught in the trap of trying to earn a living and fail to live a life of their passion and dreams. I enjoyed your take.

    I am leaving a link of my YouTube video in the comments. Thank you for checking it out.


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