Rules? – 100WW

Title: Rules?
Source: 100 Word Wednesday: Week 13
Word count: 100 words

Image Credit: Bikurgurl

“No swimming, no boating, no fun.”

“Yeah. What’s with the ‘Waterfowl’? We can’t feed the ducks anymore?”

Eric and Kurt pushed their bikes toward the dock, fishing poles balanced across the handlebars.

“Reckon their gonna say we can’t fish too?” Kurt asked.

“Probably. Guess we’d better get there fast. Race ya,” Eric yelled as broke into a faltering run, his bike banging at his side.

“Hey, no fair,” Kurt hollered lumbering after him.

“Last one there has to bait the hooks,” Eric called over his shoulder as he reached the dock.

“Boys! No running,” the man on the dock yelled.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

8 thoughts on “Rules? – 100WW

  1. Those poor boys. This sounds like one of those places where health and safety has run amok. Let’s hope they can find somewhere less rule-bound to hang out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Wind-Up Week 13: 100 Word Wednesday – Bikurgurl

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