Special Delivery – 3 Line Tales

From Sonya’s 3LineTales at Only100Words. You can find the original prompt here. Thanks Sonya.

photo by Adi Ulici via Unsplash

The big rig bumped and rumbled west along the highway, catapulting Chuck and his precious cargo west towards the setting sun.

He made this run three times a week, every week, hundreds of times a year, but he had never pushed his rig this hard, this fast, this desperately.

The skeletal old man, clothed only in rags, labored with each breath he took and Chuck swore he would not fail him.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

6 thoughts on “Special Delivery – 3 Line Tales

  1. You tell us so much about Chuck’s everyday life, and even more about his character, in these three lines. His determination not to fail this (skeletal) old man does him great credit.


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