Run Away – 100WW

Title: Run Away
Source: 100 Word Wednesday: Week 74
Word count: 100 words

Image by Bikurgurl

Robbie struggled to walk down the sidewalk with his bag. Flung over his shoulder, he managed a half a dozen steps before it plummeted to the ground, nearly toppling him.

Robbie sighed, the sidewalk went on forever. Running away from home was harder than he imagined. Three houses from home, he was tired and hungry.

“That you Robbie?”

Mrs. Baxter stood on her front porch.

“I made cookies. You interested in being my taste tester?”

The three-year-old nodded, almost sobbing. He didn’t see Mrs. Baxter give his mom the thumbs up as he headed towards his rescuer.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

6 thoughts on “Run Away – 100WW

  1. Awww! So sweet 🙂 Hard to think of a three year old running away, but certainly understand the lure of cookies taking him from his path! I’m so glad you joined us this week — it’s been a while ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Wind-Up Week 74: 100 Word Wednesday – Bikurgurl

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