Daily Quote

Years ago, a co-worker maintained a daily inspirational email he sent to those who were interested. I signed up. For seven years the first thing I read every morning was his email. The quotes centered on business or personal development. They became a ritual. Times change, jobs change, and people move to new positions and new challenges.

I miss those daily tidbits and sought a ritual to act as a trigger for my daily writing habit. Since many of you are also writers, I thought I would share. I hope they help you in your writing journey.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

18 thoughts on “Daily Quote

  1. 7 years is a long time, my habits don’t last that long, well maybe having coffee in the morning about the only thing, i like the thought of cultivating this healthy habit of reading something inspirational to start our day.

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      • Writing is a habit too yea you are right and I think you are so very good at keeping at it. I have dropped so far behind and have been using my book reviews and travel posts to fill in the gap of writing flash fiction and poetry like before. maybe the inspiration will return one day, for now I am happy just to write something everyday, even the most mundane stuff! Keep on writing Jo, your stories are original and I like how you alter styles in each one, always fresh and interesting.

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      • When the time is right, things will happen. In the meanwhile you are writing wonderful stories about your weekend and your dear friends. That is special.
        Funny, I don’t think about altering my styles, I just write. I am glad you enjoy them.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. I like the idea of daily inspirational quotes and agree they can spur us on to do our best. I can also apply your own quote today to the writing of the first book of my historical fiction series! All it took was those first few words… Now I’m writing Book 4. Thank you for sharing, Jo. 😀

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  3. Pingback: Daily Quote — Jo Hawk | Go Dog Go Café

  4. That would be such a beautiful beginning to the day. A lot of times the motivational quotes say things that you probably already knew but reading it and reiterating it is as important as knowing it.
    Found you through godoggocafe. Glad I did.

    Liked by 2 people

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