Daily Quote


Everyone reading this blog has a certain command of the English language. If we were face to face, English would take on a new dimension. There would surely be an Irish brogue, a Texas twang, a broad Australian variation, a mile-a-minute New Yawker, a Southern drawl, a proper British articulation and a few dozen more.

I love listening to the way people from India speak English. There is a lovely musical quality with a lift at the end of each sentence. It is as if the world is full of questions for which there are no answers. And that is okay.

Those differences represent the individuals’ roots. Others who speak in the same manner have an instant bond, they are almost family.

Writing is a poor substitute for the richness inherent in speech. Encumbered and restricted we must strive harder to reach in, to speak in his language and touch his heart.

How can you write today to speak to your reader’s heart?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

7 thoughts on “Daily Quote

  1. I read a few South Asian authors and their writing voice is so different from speaking voice, in some cases almost Victorian and so stilted, I agree with you on the Indian accent and punctuation, my paternal grandfather is from Goa and some traces of his accent is evident in our speech. once at book club we discussed about an author’s voice, I think it was generally agreed that we prefer the author to write in his / her own original voice and not write beyond that. I do think women writers can write in a multitude of voices and sometimes mistaken for a male writer. Han Kang for one. once again – my 2 cents!! thank you for allowing me such freedom to voice my opinions

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    • I don’t think I am suggesting you write in anything other than your authentic voice, Rather that we need to be open and consider additional possibilities and a greater cast of characters. Seeing/observing/internalizing these nuances can help us write characters who have greater depth, and become more real to the reader. If we can do that perhaps we can touch the reader on a deeper level as well.

      Of course you can express your opinions. Discussion can exposes us to different ideas and points of view or offer confirmation that we are not crazy. All good in my book.

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      • Yes I get you now. It would be interesting how I write those different characters. My friend writes plays and talks to himself when he is creating the characters, we write together sometimes and I always giggle at how he makes faces etc when writing, that might be a technique I suppose.

        but those voices have been authentic too in a way, like according to age and gender not only accent or locality.

        thanks for the discussion Jo.

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  2. As a person who has difficulty with speech—with word choice while talking, with freezing up because my brain slows down with anxiety, I find writing the most freeing activity there is. Writing offers an opportunity for nuance and beauty that I could never achieve while speaking.

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    • Absolutely! I envy people who can speak off the cuff. I love that writing gives writers the freedom to fully consider word choices and subtle meanings and nuances that I know I could never articulate in a spoken conversation. I tend to listen to others conversations more than I participate. There is great value in listening. 😊

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