The Rendezvous – FFfAW Challenge

Title: The Rendezvous
Source: Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers
Word count: 170 words


This week’s photo prompt is provided by Jodi McKinney. Thank you, Jodi!

Hours ago, I parked my Harley on the graveled shoulder where the road curved, creating a sightline for miles. Dead flowers, candles, and crosses piled at the base of a scared old oak bore evidence of the dangers lurking here. A faded photo flapped in the breeze.

I leaned against my bike, waiting. A well-worn path cut through the woods ending at a creek. Across the road, trees lined a soybean field and, in the distance, sat an old farmhouse. I had seen no activity, no cars, no wildlife and knew there was no satellite surveillance until 11:47 tonight. It would be close.

Dusk descended, and I waited in the darkness with my bike. Two cars, following closely, approached, pulling next to me. The sisters emerged, nodded in my direction and opened both trunks.

They assembled the equipment and nodded once more. Stepping to the control panel, my fingers flew, playing the sequence I had memorized as a child. Lights flashed. The sisters bowed their heads, and our work began.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

17 thoughts on “The Rendezvous – FFfAW Challenge

  1. the word work can be taken so many different ways, sinister, foreboding, altruistic or helpful. what a word to use as the ending! the kind of ending readers go back to read if something was written between the lines. a good plot and ploy Jo!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Countdown — Friday Fictioneers | Jo Hawk

  3. Dear Jo,

    It’s rare that I will follow a link to read another story in FF. There are so many to keep up with every week. However your FF story piqued my curiosity and here I am. 😀 I reiterate that there’s a larger story between the two. Good job.



    Liked by 1 person

    • I appreciated the time constraints, I too try to read all the submissions. Some weeks are easier than others. I am greatly honored that you read both of them. There is certainly more to this story. 😊❤


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