Countdown — Friday Fictioneers

Title: Countdown
Source:  Friday Fictioneers sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple
Word count: 100 words

Copyright –Douglas M. MacIlroy

During the previous window, there was a moment, when it almost connected. Since then, the sisters had been working ceaselessly. They consulted the ancient texts, checked the schematics and reread the prophecy.

Sister Minette insisted they were close. She felt the equipment only needed minor tweaking. Sister Prudence demanded they pull it apart, dissect and question everything they believed.

They had been pursuing the answer for centuries, and in recent years, technological advances had given them new hope. It was hope they needed.

Sister Minette was giddy when they loaded the equipment into their cars and headed for the rendezvous.


***Note: Read about The Rendezvous here.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

46 thoughts on “Countdown — Friday Fictioneers

  1. A pair of immortal explorers searching for centuries. Must be something like the location of the holy grail. Peter James was on the radio yesterday talking about his book on a kind of similar subject. Your story is highly intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

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