Reaching the Beginning – Stock Photo Challenge

Title: Reaching the Beginning
Source: Stock Photo Challenge
Word count: 100 words



Destia perched on the wagon seat, confident today would be the same as the string of days behind her. The sameness of her existence stretched into the depths of her memory. The slow, rhythmic steps of the oxen dragged her creaking wagon forward.

Her companion’s faces wore the same expression as the landscape. They knew returning was non-negotiable.

Pero, keeping pace with the oxen, stopped. Alert, his nose tested the wind, then he ran, racing toward the purple smudge on the horizon. The oxen moved faster.

Relief sweep through Destia, but the voice laughed, saying the real journey was beginning.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

17 thoughts on “Reaching the Beginning – Stock Photo Challenge

  1. Nice choice of words. The slow graceful movements of both time and person. The purple smudge was artistic. It added just that bit of colour. I enjoy reading fragments of life like this. The snapshots without a photo.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Stock Photo Challenge | Author Don Massenzio

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