Holding On – Stock Photo Challenge

Title: Holding On
Source:  Stock Photo Challenge
Word count: 100 words

young man and woman walking with sunset

Daniel’s wrinkled hands shook as he held the photo of his most cherished memory.

They met in a sandbox. He had pulled her pigtails and made her cry. He immediately regretted it and swore no one would hurt her again.  He kept his word, protected her. They were inseparable and became high school sweethearts. Everyone knew they would marry.

Daniel suspected something, hoping they were pregnant. But life was cruel. The doctors shook their heads. He was strong, taking care of her until she slipped away. She took his life, his heart. Keeping them safe while he waited for today.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

18 thoughts on “Holding On – Stock Photo Challenge

    • Hi, Brittany. Yes, Don posted the photo (you can follow the link after Source for the full details) The challenge is to write something based on the photo in 100 words or less. We would love to have you join in. ✨💛✨


  1. Pingback: Stock Photo Challenge | Author Don Massenzio

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