Drawing Inspiration – Weekend Writing Prompt

Title: Drawing Inspiration
Source:  Weekend Writing Prompt #109 – Idyll
Objective: Write a poem or piece of prose in exactly 84 words.

Jason grew up in the city. His parents shuttled him from school to soccer practice, music lessons and extracurricular activities. He sat in the backseat and drew. Crayons, markers and pencil stubs littered his backpack. They chalked his drawings up to childish pursuits, but his third-grade art teacher had a different opinion.

As a professional artist, he moved to a rural idyll. He painted his surroundings, lush landscapes infused his work with an exuberance that propelled his career to heights he had never imagined.

Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

17 thoughts on “Drawing Inspiration – Weekend Writing Prompt

  1. yesterday i sat in a cafe bookshop and watched an American lady teach English, she really coaxed her 2 private students, they were young Korean boys, so much fun watching them learn with earnest and also giggles, your story reminded me that encounter and how wonderful life can be through learning together

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