Moving Day – Friday Fictioneers

Title: Moving Day
Source:  Friday Fictioneers sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple
Word count: 100 words

PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio

Stacy leaned against the kitchen sink as memories washed over her. This place had been her sanctuary, her safe space, her hideout from the traumatic events which threatened to kill her. The small, cozy apartment granted her precious healing time.  Today, she could remember what happened, without fear, anxiety, or self-deprecating thoughts. It was, what it was.  She survived the ordeal to emerge stronger and more capable than she imagined might be possible.

The movers arrived to pack what remained, the lessons she would take with her. With a final farewell, Stacy stepped forward, prepared to embrace her limitless life.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

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