Sunday Afternoon Reboot – Daily Quote


Sunday is unlike any other day of the week, and it holds a special place in my heart. Wedged into the weekend’s end, it is a transition from fun-filled frivolity, to productive work. The Sunday following a long holiday weekend, leaves me anxious. Freedom, flexibly, lack of structure, and general flailing about without a set agenda wears on my need for an ordered schedule and measurable productivity. While others nap, play games, and indulge in binge-watching favorite shows, my fingers itch, my mind looks forward, and my body hums with a desire to act.

Thoughts turn toward possibilities. Rested and recharged I can’t wait to begin again. I pull out my planner, review the past week, assess where I stand, and plot my path. The start of a new month carries so much promise, and I front-load my week’s plans. The surging strength within me, demands direction. I devise a strategy to channel my intensity toward tackling difficult tasks, pushing a project across the finish line, or maybe, clearing the slate, and embarking on a fantastical endeavor.

The adage counsels us to “make hay while the sun shines.” I plan to take a huge bite from my task list while my energy is at its peak. The afternoon is perfect for setting the stage, so in the morning I can explode out of the gate.

How will you spend your Sunday?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

15 thoughts on “Sunday Afternoon Reboot – Daily Quote

  1. Much the same, I think. My to-do list is far too long to ignore and even though I manage to clear a few, it never seems to visibly shrink! This is going to be the month when I start to see daylight, ready to start writing a new book in the new year!

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  2. I spent Sunday writing a little more than usually. It was the start of December and the start of Advent, so I wrote some about each. I also made notes for the days ahead. I’m supposed to go to Boston for a day this week and don’t really know how to do that.

    Happy December!

    Liked by 1 person

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