How I Exercise to Quiet My Mind – Daily Quote


As an introvert, I spend hours in my head, but I am rarely alone. Not by a long shot. Novel characters appear with fascinating stories to tell while my muse whispers charming prose, and inspirational music plays in the background. I write in self-defense. Composing fiction is my exercise, a method of quieting the voices, and as I surrender to the writing process, I lose myself. Time travel is real. The tales transport me to different eras, unique and interesting lives, and singular universes.

Once, I believed the act of transcribing the narratives I hear would silence them. It hasn’t worked that way. Instead, it has generated additional protagonists with greater adventures, bigger demands, and they possess an unrelenting urgency for me to retell their epic sagas.

Writing is a true privilege that lets me connect with others in ways I could never imagine. It provides me an avenue to explore what other people might feel or experience, and it opens doors to conversations. Through writing, we discover like-minded individuals and gain the knowledge that we humans have many things in common.

How has writing changed your life?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

8 thoughts on “How I Exercise to Quiet My Mind – Daily Quote

  1. I spent many years being an editor, but it never made me feel special. Rewarded, yes, but never that inner knowing that something you have created might just live on long after you have gone…

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  2. I actually don’t write enough. As a child I spent many wonderful hours writing stories and reading books that were older than me, which would spin me off into other realms of which I could write about. I then discovered art and lost myself to that for years – and while its relatively satisfying in its way, it never fully expresses what I need it to. Recently I have taken to carrying a notebook around and catching words, bits of conversation, random thoughts, observations, and slowly I’m feeling the pull back to actual writing again. I feel quite excited about it (bizarrely!) and I want to make this next year a writing one. 🙂

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    • Wow. That is wonderful. Writing is a great outlet, and I’m thrilled that you have rediscovered a passion to help you express your feelings. I will be continuing my Daily Writing Challenge in 2020. Feel free to stop by and let us know how you are progressing. 👍🖋✨


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