The Convenience of Writing in Inconvenient Places – Daily Quote


No matter how much you plot, plan, schedule working time, and commit to keeping the promise, life happens. The dog requires a walk, a friend needs a shoulder, or you fall asleep at the keyboard. If I waited for celestial alignment and ideal circumstances, I fear I would never write.

Luckily writers are creative, muse driven, inspirational lightning rods, and we must write when the ideas strike. While I am not sure my motion sickness would allow me to compose in the back seat of a taxi, hotels, airports, and airplanes would work. I am enamored with writing in a Walden Pond environment. Maybe I should start a bucket list of writing spots.

The good news is I don’t have to wait for the perfect writing space to materialize. Lacking access to an internet connection improves my productivity. If I can open my laptop and manage to balance it well enough to type, words will make my story grow.

Where is your oddest or favorite writing spot?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

10 thoughts on “The Convenience of Writing in Inconvenient Places – Daily Quote

  1. I have spent far too much time in waiting rooms, either hospital, dentist or doctor, but always carry a notebook with me and usually end up annoyed when I get called right at an interesting moment!

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  2. I am going to start writing some in the library and thinking that will be nice. Quiet and no distractions.
    At home I sit in my fsvorite spot on our loveseat. I guess I am like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. “My spot” LOL!

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  3. I don’t often carry my laptop with me during the day, but I have found that the notebook app that came pre-installed on my phone has been a lifesaver for when inspiration strikes. My thumbs couldn’t survive typing out the next great American novel on my phone, but the keys notes and gist are quickly jotted down.

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