No Excuses Baby, Shake Off the Crazy – Daily Quote


The novelty of being home is wearing thin. I know, because I’m hearing complaints of “I’m bored.” Nothing annoys me more. I have zero patience with boredom, even when I have nothing to do. Boredom is a sign you lack a good idea. At the first hint of trouble, I strap on my thinking cap and get creative. If you’re bored, you aren’t trying. There are plenty of options, many of which don’t require shopping. Besides, it’s more fun to do what you can, with the supplies you have, where you are. There are no excuses.

Some ideas include virtual check-ins with friends or relatives you’ve not seen in a while. Give yourself a manicure, a pedicure, and treat yourself to an in-home spa day complete with bubbles. Get active, try yoga or any of the new YouTube at-home exercise videos. Embrace deep spring cleaning and organize a full-blown closet purge.

Start a garden. A tiny kitchen nursery can provide entertainment with tasty results. Speaking of food, bake, explore different recipes, plan home-cooked meals, followed by your favorite cocktail. Make kiddie-cocktails for the wee ones. Doodle, color, or draw, write a poem, or journal to record your coronavirus quarantine. Produce a movie. Update your resume, you might be needing it. Clean up your emails.

In the last week, I joined four online classes with twice-weekly assignments and discovered interesting podcasts. And I am writing.

How will you fill your day?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

22 thoughts on “No Excuses Baby, Shake Off the Crazy – Daily Quote

  1. Kids aren’t allowed to be bored now. Things have to be found to amuse them. In the fifties, us kids spent hours being bored stiff while unable to escape to our own devices… school asssemblies, church sermons…
    I suspect that children who learn early how to deal with their own boredom don’t amuse themselves as teenagers by spraying graffiti and setting fires.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Some children are born the anti-boredom gene and others have to be taught. I only remember being bored on long car trips after I finished reading all the books I was allowed to bring. Hope you are finding plenty to keep you occupied, Cathy. ❤


  2. I am doing my level best not to run around like a headless chicken. There are plenty of things on my to-do list, so boredom isn’t an issue but apathy is. Once I get over the ‘what’s the blooming point’ I will probably be fine and get a lot of things done…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Jo, Quite a list…I’m rarely bored as there are always so many things to do..Writing tops everything, then reading, but if the feeling tries to muscle in, I do a spot of cleaning. It’s been strict self-isolation here in Spain, so once I’d caught up with the washing and ironing, I cleared out and tidied a chest of drawers and one wardrobe. Then, after checking my many emails…more editing on my ninth book – which is taking far too long to finish…Oh, and I don’t forget my friends who live alone.

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    • You have been busy, Joy. I expect you will be washing windows next. 😊 There is no end creative ideas. Editing always seems to take longer than it should, but now is a great time to tackle that task. I wish you well. Stay safe. ❤

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  4. Well stated. I am taking this time to weed out and shred paperwork. Once done with that I will re-organize my filing system. And then there is backing up important documents in the event of a natural catastrophe (we live in FL and hurricane season starts June 1st). There’s always something to keep ourselves both physically and mentally active. Stay safe.

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  5. Great share… Yes, boredom doesn’t exist in my world either. BUT I do think some people need to be taught how to generate creative and fun ideas… they were not taught as a child. Some people are curious by nature, others need to be taught how to be curious and creative. 🙂

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