One Way to Avoid Regret – Daily Quote


When we first start a new endeavor, our ultimate success or failure is often even odds. Tipping the scales in our favor comes from putting our best effort towards our goal.  A dogged determination helps us through setbacks and challenges, and an optimistic attitude keeps our spirits lifted.

If we are fortunate, help arrives when we flounder, and mentors who have traveled a similar pathway, offer guidance allowing us insight with the journey along our chosen path. Setting and striving for a goal, giving it our lazar focus, our finest effort is noble. By doing the best we can, we become a better, more confident, and we never need to wonder “what if.”  In life, daily work improves us and defines success. Look around and admire the fruits of your labor.

How can you do your best today?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

11 thoughts on “One Way to Avoid Regret – Daily Quote

  1. I have tried to understand what it is that makes me get up in the morning, or what drives me to sometimes achieve the impossible. At least, I am constantly told that I don’t need to do this any more, not now I’m nearly 76. The only definition I can find, is that my brain is still 25 and thinks I am capable of anything!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s not all bad Jaye. Marie. Do what makes you happy, and what the body will allow. I have a theory that those who tell you not to work so hard… They’re just tired and in need of a nap. 🙂 Have a great day, my friend.


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