Attaining “High Flight” and “Slipping the Surly Bonds”- Friday Fictioneers

Title: Attaining “High Flight” and “Slipping the Surly Bonds”
Source:  Friday Fictioneers sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple
Word count: 100 words

looking up into a hot air balloon with blue sky

PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio

“You’re full of hot air.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“You can’t.”

“You’ll never—”

Eyes closed, I clap my hands over my ears, hum to drown the sound of their echoing fear, and search for the quiet cry.

Creativity, inner voice, muse, true self, she answers to many names.

Squashed, derided as child’s play, and nothing more than popsicle sticks, school glue, and glitter, she retreated.

I had rejected false experts, and I resolved to change. I hitched my life to Creativity with a capital “C,” vowed to prove the naysayers wrong, and I floated towards the stars.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

25 thoughts on “Attaining “High Flight” and “Slipping the Surly Bonds”- Friday Fictioneers

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