Understanding Your Deepest Writer Motivations to Conquer Impossible Obstacles – Daily Quote


Writers tread in giant footsteps forged by literature’s titans. They face great expectations, brave colossal odds, and wear many hats. They cast a critical eye on their initial story idea, countless drafts, rewrites, edits, and elicit further criticism from beta readers, editors, and agents. They fearlessly build their author platform and tackle marketing. It’s a wonder any books get published. The entire process is a test of imagination. A writer must imagine their reader flipping through the pages of the finished work and trust they will be transported into the author’s alternate reality. 

It requires vision, perseverance, and diligence. It is not an easy road. So, why do we writers, write? The answers are varied, as different as snowflakes. Authors create stories to aid understanding of a confusing world, to experience unlimited freedom, and to share unique ideas with people we will never meet in person. We pen deep emotions to encourage others, to heal, to start transformations, and to help interpret our own minds. A finished work gives us a sense of accomplishment, of a job well done. Oh, I suppose some novelists are writing only for the money, but it’s not my first consideration.

What drives your writing?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

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