Can Your Favorite Repetitive Song Help You Access Your Inspiration? – Daily Quote

Songs of different moods are like keys, which help me enter the world of my book's characters. Amish Tripathi

I had an English teacher who taught grammar with song lyrics. She used printed copies and had the class parse the stanzas while the songs played in the classroom. Grammar was never my favorite subject, but identifying parts of speech to popular tunes was not unpleasant.

Many studies suggest listening to music aids divergent thinking. It is a technique that uses free-flowing thoughts to generate ideas and solutions in a short time. One study reported that replaying a song multiple times blocks mind wandering and increases focus. Other benefits include reducing stress, improving sleep, reducing symptoms of depression, and raising IQ and academic performance in young children.

With that impressive list, I figured it was worth doing a few experiments. So, I queued my playlists and hit repeat as I composed stories. The results surprised me. While not scientific, I noticed words and thoughts seem to flow better, social media is less distracting, and my productivity per session has increased. I have even experienced a phenomenon where the lyrics provided the exact word my mind is seeking.

While I’ve not determined if my stress levels are lower, the ability to get more accomplished in my scheduled writing sessions makes me a happy camper.

Do songs inspire your writing?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

5 thoughts on “Can Your Favorite Repetitive Song Help You Access Your Inspiration? – Daily Quote

  1. interesting – I had a teacher who taught English the same, especially for students who had speech difficulties. songs do inspire me but I find it distracting if playing in the background, instrumental music is fine for concentration, a song has me singing along!

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    • How interesting, Gina. You might be the first person I have spoken to who has had a similar experiences. I can see how songs might help students with speech difficulties, so I am surprised more teachers haven’t tried it. Music provides a great background for my writing sessions, and I am happy instrumentals help you too.

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