Accepting Failure and Plotting Your New Path to Success – Daily Quote


Another new month presents a fresh opportunity to renew my commitment to reaching my objectives. This year has offered many challenges. I admit to feeling steamrolled, flattened, knocked off course, spinning like a weathervane in a tornado — lost. Now October comes roaring in, reminding me the end of 2020 will arrive in ninety days. My carefully crafted agendas with ambitious projects lay in unfulfilled tatters at my feet.

It is astonishing how everything disintegrated. It would be easy to blame global events. But when I am objective, I recognized the real reason, and in my heart, I know how to fix it. I must stop being scared. Life-changing circumstances have left me frozen in fear, unable to move, I became stagnant in working towards my success. My responses descended into freaking out when I didn’t have all the answers to the world’s problems.

Then I understood that it is not my responsibility to have every solution. And I realized the Universe doesn’t care about me. My plans, my hopes, and dreams don’t even register as a blip in the vast cosmos. The only person who cares is me. I am the lone soul capable of completing them. My reward, if I am lucky, maybe to help one person in their struggles.

I am fighting back, refusing to relinquish my desire to reach my 2020 goals. While I have fallen behind, I can still make headway. There are thirty-one chances to advance, thirty-one steps to bring me closer to victory. I dusted off the goal list, checked my progress to date, and identified key areas where I want to focus. I plotted and prepared a schedule for each day in October. It only remains to execute the daily plan.

Have you planned your month?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

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