Happy Groundhog Day – Daily Quote

It seems even Punxsutawney Phil is observing strict quarantine and social distancing guidelines. Phil has canceled all in-person events and has scheduled to broadcast his revelations streaming online via his Facebook Page and his YouTube channel. His show starts at 6:30 am EST, which is 5:30 am here in Chicago. Sorry, buddy boy, but I don’t function well at that hour of the morning. I intended to be snug in my bed and sleeping like the dead. I will have to catch the re-run at a more reasonable hour, after a cup of coffee.

February 2nd is an astronomical holiday, the year’s first cross-quarter day, to be specific. A cross-quarter day falls halfway between the solstice and the equinox. They also call it Candlemas or Imbolc. The other three cross-quarter days are May Day on May 1st also called Beltane. August 1st  is Lughnasadh or Lammas Day, and October 31st is called Samhain, or Halloween. In our calendar system, verse the astrological system, those exact days can vary, and the dates offer intriguing traditions to explore.

The people at The Farmers’ Almanac published their predictions, and they say, “winter is here for the long haul.” Despite Spring’s official arrival on March 20, their forecast is “warmer spring-like weather may not arrive until a little later.” It looks like we are in store for more exciting times and are about to experience a wild ride into Spring. Nobody said finding Paradise would be easy.

Are you hoping for a sunny day or, are you wishing for an early spring?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

12 thoughts on “Happy Groundhog Day – Daily Quote

  1. How funny that the groundhog has to go viral too! I think winter will continue, but I don’t think it will be so cold. We’ve had a mild winter. So, maybe more snow, but today was a lovely day, nice and pleasant to walk outside. Hoping the sun melted some of it. Poor garbage truck was getting stuck everywhere.

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