The 2021 Daily Writing Challenge – April 30


I woke to rain spattering on my window and wished I had the luxury of pulling the covers over my head and going back to sleep. But the planting crew with my new trees confirmed an 8 am start time, so I reluctantly threw back my covers, forced my feet to connect with the floor, and stumbled to the shower. Coffee, always the first order of my day, was finished when the trucks pulled in front of the house.

Five hours later, the weather cleared, transplanted trees and bushes settled into their new, forever homes, and my muse whispered in my ear. She planted seeds in my mind and prodded my characters to resume their tales. My muse is a cruel mistress, and she demands my obedience. But I have been working without her guidance for too long, and I will gratefully do her bidding. She says she has been watching me, and today we start the actual work.

No matter the challenges and the obstacles blocking my way, I maintain the item at the top of my list as a non-negotiable. Yesterday I wrote 517 words.

Did you write yesterday?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

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