Daily Quote


I consider myself a self-sufficient individual. Setting my own goals and achieving them seem to be a part of my DNA. While I enjoy seeing what others are doing and the progress they are making. Feedback and critiques are a welcome and needed aspect of improvement. However, I am not sure of the level of motivation I derive from these interactions.

What about you? Is the companionship of writers integral to your writing process and goals?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

7 thoughts on “Daily Quote

  1. I really love the feedback and critique ( though, I have received encouragement only) from my fellow bloggers and kind followers. It makes me grow as a writer and I am emboldened to venture into untested waters.

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    • Critique is difficult both to offer and to receive I think. True constructive criticism is a learned art, still we need to develop a buffer to help us separate the writing from ourselves.

      I am thrilled you have received great responses. Be bold and daring and keep on writing.

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      • One thing that you said about separating ourselves from from our writing would be better if we separate ourselves ( emotionally) from the reader’s comments. I think would work better.

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  2. Every writer has moments of solitude and reflection. Each writer would like to stay true to his/her own voice that is impervious to something that could possibly destroy that voice. So, I can see why motivation derived from interactions with other writers might not feel as mandatory or necessary.

    However, when I wrote this post “And their Paths Converged”(https://theresaly520.wordpress.com/2018/09/25/and-their-paths-converged/), I explored an interaction between John Milton, a poet, and Galileo, a scientist. These fields couldn’t be further apart from one another, and yet Galileo and the world he comes from left an impression on Milton that has impacted his writing and led to the creation of one of his greatest works.

    So, on the one hand, your quote has a point: surrounding yourself with other artists that have similar goals and aspirations can sharpen your own craft. For example, the rivalry between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs spurred each other onward to create even more innovative devices than the last. However, I think there is value from learning from individuals that may have a whole different set of aspirations. Steve Jobs took a calligraphy class that affected the artistry of his typography and his approach to his craft that differentiated himself from the competition, for instance.

    After getting plugged into a community of writers, I learn that there is a wealth of experiences that we can all learn from each other that can enrich of all our writing if we allow it.

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    • Your points are well taken.

      One of the many high points when I visit Florence is the requisite visit to Santa Croce. In addition to works by Giotto, Gaddi, Brunelleschi and Donatello are the tombs. Santa Croce truly lives up to its billing as “The Temple of the Italian Glories.”

      The tombs of Michelangelo, Niccolò Machiavelli, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Leonardo Bruni, Gioachino Rossini, and notably, Galileo., along with the tribute to Dante are beyond inspiring, This one place serves as the fuel to spur my writing journey.

      Much as you write in your post, of Milton’s quest for the “other”, I have found that my travels often reveal other ways of thinking and seeing the world. I am hopeful that those adventures and a shift in perspective (no matter how small) find their way into my writing.

      I agree with you that Steve Jobs focus on aesthetics was a driving force in the early adoptions of Apple products that left Gates flat-footed and scrambling to catch up. A little “friendly” competition often leads to giant steps forward. The rivalry between Edison and Tesla is another example.

      Inspiration, motivation, the quest for continual improvement can be found all around us. As writers I believe it is our duty to read, experience and seek out the “other”. Keep your eyes and mind open, and keep on writing.

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  3. writers can be a weird species, usually introverts who don’t share much or are reluctant to mingle. I get more inspiration from my book club gang and poetry club members. ironically only 10% in those groups are writers, but they are inspirational individuals that make me want to write!

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