Daily Quote


I am struggling to find stillness, a little silence. The moment I sit down to write the beast roars. I try to ignore it. I wish for it to go away. I beg it to leave me alone.

It doesn’t work. The holidays are coming, and I have lists to make, gifts to buy, cookies to bake. I know how to quiet the beast. I pack up my laptop, get in my car, and head to the coffee shop. Amid the holiday music and the calls of “Grande Sugar-Free Iced White Chocolate Mocha” and “Venti Gingerbread Latte with Soy”, I find my nothingness of silence.

Where will you find your silence today?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

3 thoughts on “Daily Quote

  1. Simon and Garfunkle recorded a song about the sound of silence about 1964. Maybe this guy was on their same wavelength or radio frequency or they on they on his. You may have heard it sometime in the past. If not you can find it on YouTube. Just do a search on “The Sound Of Silence”. It is somewhat erie how much their thoughts seem to dovetail. One has to wonder if they were contemporaneous .

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