Daily Quote


Leave it to the chattering voices droning in my head. They destroyed a wonderful plan, a plan filled with rest, relaxation and fun. No writing, no lists, no alarm clocks, no worries. Morning coffee, a deep breath, the voices saw an opening and jumped.

“Hello?” they said. “You’ve had your coffee?  Awake? Feeling rested?  You’re always saying you’re busy, you don’t have time. We see you’re not busy right now. Is it a good time? Nothing major. A few words perhaps?”

Can you say “Guilt” with a capital “G”? Well played voices. How can I say no? Yeah, okay, a few words. They are a sneaky bunch, you must watch them, anticipate their subterfuge. A few words, then a few words more, became filled pages. Devious, they are. They artfully derailed my plans, advanced their agendas, and made sure I had a fun day.

Do your voices interrupt your plans?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

12 thoughts on “Daily Quote

  1. The voices in my head rarely give me useful advice. Usually they just tell me to click the icons on my favorites bar. WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, repeat. I’m going now to change my passwords and lock myself out.

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