A Real Rock Star – Flash Fiction Challenge

Title: A Real Rock Star
Source:  Flash Fiction Challenge
Prompt: Write a story about a rock star.
Word count:  99 words

Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash

Stars floated above Kye’s head. He couldn’t sleep when the ancients whispered. His gaze shifted from the sky to his sleeping brother. Their sheep rested quietly in the canyon’s safety.

Kye hefted a rock tossing it in his hand before using it to scrape images into the desert varnish coating the granite wall. The scene completed; his fingers rested on the depiction of his world.

The stars spun, eons passed, and the ancient voices grew silent. Kevin hiked into the park, hunting for answers. Placing his hand on the petroglyph he reached through time to touch the creator’s soul.


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer ©

18 thoughts on “A Real Rock Star – Flash Fiction Challenge

  1. Such a cool story, Jo! I especially like this line: “The stars spun, eons passed, and the ancient voices grew silent.” I also like the connection between the creator of the art and the one who discovers it. My kind of rock stars!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Rock Star « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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